Friday, April 16, 2010

You Drink Like a Girl?

Okay so I know I haven't' blogged in about 3600 years, but hey, that's how life goes sometimes, right? I keep making these grandiose plans to break back into it, but something comes up every time. Until today. When I received this text message that made me compelled to blog a bit so I could get this off my chest. I went out last weekend with a friend and we met a few different people. Honestly I didn't remember too much about this guy (anyone who ever goes out with me knows I never remember much of anything), but I answered when he text me anyway. Then he sent me a picture and I remembered why I gave him my number in the first place. He was cuuuuuute. We exchanged a few typical "hey what's up" and it was fine. Until today. I asked what he was doing (this was circa 2:00 pm). He replied that he was watching a movie at his "manz" house and "blazing tree." Okay sir, I don't really know you like that, so why are you telling me that you're smoking? But of course, Ashleigh always tries to give people the benefit of the doubt, not to mention I've realized that a crapload of people smoke weed, so hey, I'm trying not to judge here. What did get a little judgement is that you're smoking weed and watching movies during the day. Why aren't you at work? So the getting to know you texts continue (I don't really mind the texting, I was at work anyway) and he asks where I'm from. I tell him Orange County and his response is "lol can I barrow (sic) 5 dollars?" No one is LoLing except you apparently. So now I choose not to respond. This is followed by a "I bet you get that a lot huh?" Oh yes, I get completely strangers asking me to borrow money all the time...NOT. So I tell him no, not really. His response is what prompted me to write this post. I will keep all spelling/grammar/punctuation as is:

"Wow well im not tha dishonest type so i dont go out much i cheif i just got fired da day we met i drink a lil like a girl lol i share car w/ momz"

Now while I'm a fan of keeping it real, this is clearly a time when "keeping it real goes wrong." There was just so much wrong with this I had to pause and read it twice. First of all, what the hell are you even saying? That dishonest people are the only people that go out? Or that you're an honest person and that's why you asked for 5 dollars? Good to know you smoke your life away, and I was right, you don't have a job. The fact that you share a car with your mom probably means you live with her too. I do try not to judge people, but damn is it really that hard to get your own place? You don't have to have a penthouse apartment, but not even a studio of your own by 28? I'm not even going to touch the whole I drink like a girl thing.

There are 2 things that bother me most about this situation. Why are you even approaching women dude? You have no car, no job, no place of your own, and apparently no ability to hold your liquor (you know that doesn't fly with me). Did you feel that if you laid your cards out from the beginning I'd overlook the fact that on paper you're a complete loser? Not happening. And what's worse is there are women out there that would make some sort of mental compromise and date him anyway. He had to get the confidence from somewhere. And by doing that, he feels no need to better himself because he knows he'll find someone who won't mind. Blech! Men like him make me want to puke. I'm never usually on the whole feminist, sisters we gotta come together thing, but really, ladies, please stop giving dudes like this the time of day. We've got to do better.