Monday, February 23, 2009

Making my house a home

So I'm finally actually decorating my apartment! Yeah, like after a year and a half...oh well. Last night the CEO and I put up shelves in my room, a wine rack, and white board type thing in my kitchen. I got rid of my other wine rack and put my toaster on the counter. My little kitchen looks so cute! And my room looks awesome too. Its weird how two shelves and moving your bed can change the look of a room so much!! Also while we were out and about for those many hours yesterday he bought me a set of Ginsu knives! They're so fancy! LoL they were a gift for him as much as they were for me because he hated trying to cut with my "crappy knives." I still stand by my thoughts that the knives I had weren't that bad. I really like the new ones though :) So today I will be cleaning up all the dust and vacuuming and such from all of last night's decorating. Nothing too interesting going on in my life honestly. Decorating my apartment thrills me death, and I love that the CEO helps me. He suggested that we do the kitchen next weekend, which sounds like a good idea to me. I really want to paint the walls green, but my microwave and crockpot are red and I don't want a Christmas kitchen. I guess I could do a nice shade of yellow, but I really like the green. We'll see how it pans out...I've also been trying to wear my hair straight lately, but I think I'm over it. Its a little too much work for my taste. I'd rather spend 3 hours twisting it and not having to mess with it for the next week and a half. Plus I'm not so good a remembering to wear a scarf so that messes up my straight hair too. I think this week will be the last week I give it a go. Then its back to the old curls for me! Or maybe something else, if I can think of anything else, who knows. Well I'd better stop blogging and get to cleaning my house. I have a buttload of homework that I have to do today and I still want to take a nap this afternoon.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My neck, my back, my neck and my back!

They hurt! Yesterday at work I fell down the stairs! Yes, laugh if you must, but that junk HURT. So now I'm hobbling around like an 84 year old man who needs a cane. This sucks, I didn't even go to class today. I've just been trying to lay very still in my bed and muster up strength to go to work later today. I wish I had a job where I could take sick days. You can't just say, oh sorry, find someone else to take care of you kids! Laying around all day makes me sleepy, but I thought I'd give a little update. I apologize to all 2 of my adoring fans for making you wait for this update LoL Life as I know it has been pretty good. School is going well this semester. I decided to ditch the French and move on to Japanese. I'm getting pretty good at it!! Drawing the characters is a little tricky, but I can speak like nobody's business. I'm trying to get up enough balls to go and order sushi in Japanese one day. I'd be so pleased with myself. Work is fine. I started this new job and its a little tough. The kid doesn't like me very much and I'm severely allergic to their cats, but hey, I needed a job, so what can you do? Hmmm...what else? You'd think since I haven't updated in like 2 months I'd have something to say. Last weekend was Valentine's Day. Since the CEO is a self professed hater of this particular holiday, it wasn't all Valentine's Day themed, but by far the best I've had. Perhaps by not focusing on the holiday, we focused on each other more. It was as love filled as one could hope for. I mean, how wonderful is it to have a man that wakes you up in the morning and asks you how you slept and just cuddles you?! Okay enough of the mushy stuff, I may be losing half of my fan base with that crap. But I can't help it. I will totally admit it, I am ridiculously and severely in love. I hope writing that in my blog isn't like going on a reality show with your significant other, inevitably dooming your relationship...I suppose I'll hush now just in case. In more entertaining news, the two kids that I watch on Tuesdays and Thursdays have a new obsession...naked dance parties. I'm not even kidding. If I'm not in the living room with them, I will hear them turn on the iPod, move the rug, strip off all their clothes and start dancing like madmen. The little boy seems to have taken an interest in break dancing, while the little girl is content to do the typical two year old dance (you know, flailing your arms and legs and spinning in circles). It makes me laugh, but I try my best to keep them clothed. Who knows what hi jinks they'll be up to today, they always crack me up. Hopefully I can laugh away a little of this body pain. Admittedly this is kind of a wack update, but I need to start my other blog (stay tuned!) while I'm thinking about it. I'll be back eventually...